iTecs IT Outsourcing and Support Blog
The advent of technology has brought tremendous convenience in our ability to access data for personal and business needs. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is often a requirement to conduct business in situations where contractors, consultants and personnel from other offices are collaborating. The need for outside personnel to access corporate networks and intellectual property is often key to successfully achieving goals and completing projects.
This convenience is double-edged in that it has also introduced many security concerns on both the individual and corporate level. Allowing external personnel to access company networks and devices brings an increased need for vigilance against many potential security violations. The damage caused by malware is in the billions of dollars annually worldwide.
At iTecs, we secure networks based on a company’s culture and preferred level of security; however, we prefer to follow best IT practices. iTecs believes that devices that are not managed by our team of network administrators and technicians should never be allowed to access your business’s network. If your company is in need of qualified IT security professionals, or if you simply want to consult and verify your corporate IT security infrastructure, please contact us.
After what seems like a lifetime of technology exposure, I still become saddened but not surprised when I hear about someone falling victim to a phishing attack. Most medium to large businesses, if not all, have invested heavily in employee awareness training as a means to improve their cybersecurity posture.
Read MoreiTecs enters into a partnership with Check Point, a leader in enterprise and SMB cybersecurity products and solutions, to provide iTecs clients with efficacious cybersecurity protection. The collaboration between the two parties enables iTecs to deliver the various services and products to clients as a managed service.
Read MoreMitigate the chances that your crypto exchange accounts get hacked by following the tips below.You may have read articles of families losing their entire online Exchange accounts balances due to hackers breaching and stealing everything they own. Some of you may believe that the responsibility of these hacks is on the Exchanges, and I'm here to tell you this is usually not the case. Before you get angry, let me first explain the two types of hacks that occur that lead to you losing your entire investment.
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